CLOSING NOW!! Living Estate Sale of Craig Jones Located in Dallas, TX. Ending Saturday December 7th @ 12pm

World Wide Auction Group has been Commissioned to liquidate eBay Overstock tucked back in a quiet neighborhood located in West Dallas. This beautiful home Is Packed Full of Electronics, Vintage Collectibles, Tables, Beautiful Furniture, Full King Size Bedroom Set, Crystal, Sports Memorabilia, Decor, Sound Systems, Power Tools, Outdoor Lawn Gas Powered Tools, and much more! Don't miss out on our resellers dream auction!
Preview: Friday December 6th from 10am-12pm at the house, and 1pm-3pm for lots 293-317
Auction Ends: Saturday December 7th at 12pm Closing 3 lots per min
Removal: Sunday November 8th ONLY from 10am-4pm
**Lots 293+ are located offsite, pickup for these items will be 4:30-6:30pm**
There will be no other day for pickup, any items left after checkout ends will be charged a Disposal Fee.
Questions? Call Stephanie at 832-910-5718
628 Green Cove Ln, Dallas, Texas 75232
Preview Starts and Ends
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