CLOSING NOW!!! Open For Bidding!!! Living Estate Sale of Linda Yeager Located in Richardson, TX. Ending November 9th @ 6PM

World Wide Auction Group has been Commissioned to liquidate a HUGE 4-Bedroom Estate tucked back in a quite neighborhood located in Richardson, TX. This beautiful home Is Packed Full of Power Tools, Outdoor Lawn Gas Powered Tools, Antique / Vintage Collectibles, Tables, Beautiful Furniture, Electronics, Crystal, Silver, Decor, Dolls, and much more!
Preview: Friday November 8th from 12pm-2pm
Auction Ends: Saturday November 9th at 6pm Closing 3 lots per min
Removal: Sunday November 10th ONLY from 10am-5pm
There will be no other day for pickup, any items left after checkout ends will be charged a Disposal Fee.
1200 Oakmont Pl, Richardson, Texas 75081
Preview Starts and Ends
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