CLOSING NOW!!!!!! 7PM Casey's Lawn Equipment Sales & Service Company Business Liquidation Auction Ends Sunday Night

World Wide Auction Group Commissioned to liquidate Casey's Lawn Equipment Sales & Service Company FEATURES: Harley Davidson, Yamaha 1100, Yale Forklift, Zero Turn Mowers, Riding Mowers, Push Mowers, Backpack Blowers, Weed Eaters, Edger's Chainsaws, Racking, Lifts, Counters, Power Tools, Hand Tools, Service Manuals Parts and much more.
Preview: Saturday October 28th 10am-2pm
Auction Ends Sunday Night October 29th 7pm Closing 3 lots per min
Removal: Monday & Tuesday October 30th & 31st 10am-5pm
11426 E Northwest hwy , Dallas, Texas 75218
Preview Starts and Ends
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